
The sale of this property includes nearly everything you’ll need to live here, including all of the following items, which are ADDITIONAL to the items that are already installed in the house, etc: these are all EXTRAS:

3 Generators
2 Jet Pumps
2 Extra Evenflo/Shureflo water pumps
1 Extra 15K BTU Propane Heater
1 Small Propane Heater (Well House)
3 Extra Deep-Cycle House Batteries
4 Extra Heavy-Duty Bottle Jacks
4 Extra Heavy Duty Jack Stands
150′ of Heavy Duty Hose
Heavy Duty Cast Iron Metal Hose Reel
2 Wheelbarrows
1 Gas Mower for Brush
1 Gas Mower with Bagger for Lawns
1 Gas Edge Trimmer/Weed Wacker
5 Extra Propane Tanks
4 5-Gallon Safety Gas Cans
2 Solar Fence Chargers
3 35-gallon Metal Cans with Lids
16′ Extension Ladder
8′ Folding Step Ladder
2 10′ X 10′ Outdoor Kennels with Doors
Many: Planters, soft pots, etc.
1 Spool Electric Fence Line
1 Bag Electric Fence Insulators
And more…